Friday, August 27, 2010

I Prank Marcus

Yesterday, I was so bored. Renatoo gave me Marcus number so i decided to prank call him. I pranked that I was Emi's dad saying that Marcus liked Emi (by Texting). At First i decided to call him but he keep hanging me up. Then only i decided to text. It was so damn funny. at midnight, he said " Sorry Sir! It wont happen again" then I called Emi to dont believe whatever he said. I told her about the prank and she said not to do it so terribly. at 12:30 midnight, i needed 2 sleep so i called Emi and tell marcus about the prank cuz' holding a prank too long it not fun at all! It is only fun when you see the look on their faces. Since Colin and Mekabiz was there, they were laughing like shit at then Marcus was OMG! OMG! Couldn't believe that he actually believed that I was Emi's father! hahahahahahaha.....

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